The little ones are filled with undefiled curiosity. They have been kissed by Abba with a hunger to learn and grow. We have been given the greatest opportunity during this age to build a foundation within them that resonates with the frequency of heaven. At this age, they learn and grow according to what they observe. The input that they receive during this observing phase plays a big role in their programming because this is exactly what takes place when they observe. This stretches far beyond school time.
Kings and Queens Group 18+ (Tertiary)
The observer phase is the phase where the seed of listening and obeying is sown and will start to sprout. Let's take the keys YHVH has provided through the different courses within this age group to cultivate within our children discerning observers who learn the principles of choosing life. During this observer phase, they will start to learn the difference between light and darkness, and this is exactly how YHVH started to create. With this, we prophesy over your children - let there be light. Let the light of YHVH illuminate the hearts of our young ones so that they might know Him as light, become light themselves, and share that light as little lampstands that shine forth in His presence.