Shalom dear learners!
Meet our precious Harvest Life School content creators. Abba has called, and they have answered. Although some of them are also pioneers of the school, they will all work together to create an environment and platform where our children can learn and grow into the kingdom citizens they were created to be.
Enrol in our lessons or attend Music & Art live events and we will journey together through the year and learn wonderful things, not only with your brain, but also your soul and spirit! We will learn about "School of the Spirit" and "The Gift of Creation" (available soon) and more to come!
Come and learn how Abba Father intended for you to learn and grow to discover who you are in Him.
Click/tap on the enrol button if you would like to complete any of the Harvest Life School courses and become part of our family.
Follow these steps to start (Parents/guardians please assist the little ones):
Start by enrolling in the different courses and work through them on your own time within the time frames provided.
Work online or download the learner material and print for home use*.
This content serves as extra courses that can be added to your general homeschooling platform.
​*2024 © Copyright Harvest Life School content creators. All course material is copyright protected and all rights are reserved.
Meet our Content Creators

Rion van Vuuren - The Toolbox Courses
“My heart is to equip you as a parent with the right tools so that your children can obtain life skills on all levels – spirit, soul and body. I have seen with my own children the impact it has when you bless their spiritman which is the number one component to develop but what does the Greek Western mindset focus on ability of the soul. I have seen in my life how God uses the skills that were developed in my life to be a blessing to His Kingdom. It is our aim to make Harvest Life School a practical training ground where your children can be creative and develop skills where they do not just sit behind the books (for the most part) but where they actively participate and become skilled in different areas of life, from farming, carpentry, building, cooking, pottery, and the list goes on and on. This is what makes Harvest Life School unique.

Sarah van Vuuren - School of the Spirit Courses

Guy Mitchell - Art Events

Heidi Mitchell - Music Events

Christa van Rooyen - The Gift of Creation Courses
Christa grew up on a remote rural farm on the northern border of South Africa where she learned to listen to nature and not only to hear, to see and not only to look, to work with God’s creation and not against it. Her passion is healthy soil, growing healthy veggies without chemicals, medicinal plants, and the animals Elohim created.

Dr Michelle Strydom - The Tree of Life Courses

Tiaan Nel - Hebrew Life
Tiaan was born and now lives in South Africa with Jani and their three children, but he grew up in Israel where he soon fell in love with the language of the Scriptures and completed his diploma as Hebrew speaker and teacher. “I want to support the endeavour of Harvest Life School with material and teaching methods that I have built over the years. My main focus in this endeavour will be the Hebrew language with its idioms, the numerical and pictorial values of the Hebrew alphabet as well as Scripture from a Hebrew perspective.”