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Online Christian learning content for children.

Informal online lessons to develop young believers to live fulfilled lives in the Kingdom of YHVH.

Welcome to Harvest Life School, where we make online content freely available for parents to use as additional learning material for their children.


Lesson 3: The Rhino


We are so excited to share the third lesson about the Rhinoceros!

Croudfunding label

February 2025

Donations so far:
of our
monthly goal.

Thank you for your seed!

Our Monthly Goal:
R 30,000
$ 1,616 / € 1,542 *

* Exchange rate might vary from day to day.

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Lesson 2: The Elephant


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We are so excited to share the first lesson about the African Lion!




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Let's learn about YHWH's beautiful creation.

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Harvest Life School Vision
Harvest Life School - Update Message, 26 January 2024.

Harvest Life School - Update Message, 26 January 2024.

An update message from Sarah van Vuuren, Harvest Life School, Pioneer and Content Creator. Shalom dear friends, We wanted to make this video as an update to share with you the progress that we have made with the development of Harvest Life School this past year. Secondly, we also want to share what you can expect in the next few months regarding the Harvest Life School website that will be launched soon. Let’s start with the process we have gone through this past year: As you know, we are a team of people who are involved in shaping the content that we will eventually present to you. Throughout this last year, we have had meetings together as a team where we prayed together and discussed topics related to Harvest Life School. However, everyone involved isn’t at a point in time yet where they are able to start creating their content. While others have started to create content. We are trusting Abba for how this all will come together in His good time. In the meantime, we have been refining the concept of how we will present the material as well as the structure and the format of the content. We have been taking time to build the foundation because this is the most important part. So, in summary, we are a team who are all working at different paces and different pulses. Some of the content creators’ wheels have started turning while others are very committed but waiting to be able to start creating their content. This means that we will not be able to launch a complete curriculum anytime soon – rather, the content will be made available as it is completed. There have been so many people responding eagerly and excitedly about the school. We just want to take the time to make this video to make sure that everyone is on the same page regarding the timing of the launch of the school. Realistically, it is A LOT of work, and it will take time to build the content… to which we are fully committed. It might take more time than many have expected, including us. Creating content that is anointed and birthed from the heart of God is not something we can rush. It is not just putting stuff on paper; it is a very delicate process that we all navigate prayerfully and humbly. So, we kindly ask you to please be patient with us in this process, please also pray for us, and through the guidance of Holy Spirit, help financially support this vision. We are just as excited as you are to use this content for our own children, but as you know, there is a transition period with everything. We know we are heading to the Promised Land, but we need to listen and obey our way there, together. Transitions aren’t perfect, they are hard, because you are not where you used to be, but you are also not yet where you want to be. In conclusion Each family will have to make wise decisions in this transition time regarding school. Realistically, it might be years before you are able to solely use the content of Harvest Life School to teach your children. So, you might have to use another homeschooling curriculum and then add the content we make available at first, and the more our content grows, the less you will need to use other material. We, too, are using other material for our own children in this transition period until the content is finished and available. So, what can you expect in the coming months from us? In the next month or so we are going to launch the official Harvest Life School website. This will be the platform where we make all the content available as time goes by and as it is completed. The website will become like a library of content, tips, and tools that you can use to educate your children according to the heartbeat of the King. All of us on the team are very committed and very excited to give birth to the call and vision that Abba has entrusted to us. We do have some very good news. When we launch the website, the first content that we will be making available for free is The School of the Spirit – Let the little ones come into my garden. This book is like the first chapter in a greater story. More content will follow as time goes by. You will be able to use The School of the Spirit as an online course where your progress is tracked. We have changed the format to an online course to make it more user friendly. You will be able to print the activity pages and walk through them with your kids. There is already so much to unpack just through this material and it is my honour to bless you with it. I am sowing it to you as a seed, this seed has a promise of a greater harvest that is yet to come. We will keep you updated on the launch of the website and the development of content. Be blessed, and we send you love and joy from everyone on the team! Shalom
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